Solution Steps in Detail
Note - Take a backup of the files before changing anything..
1. Go to the shipper server.
2. cd opt/kibana/optimize/bundles
3. vi vienna_bundles.py
4. Search for the particular line of code as shown in the image.
5. Delete the code of lines for a particular time interval. Suppose we need to remove 45 seconds auto-refresh time interval. Then the lines {value: 45000, display: "45 seconds", section:1 } should be deleted.
6. Search for the particular line of code as shown in the image.
- Edit the code lines accordingly. As we need to update last 7 day to last 3 days, change the code from “{ from: ‘now-7d’, to: ‘now’, display: ‘Last 7 days’, section: 2}” to “{ from: ‘now-3d’, to: ‘now’, display: ‘Last 3 days’}”
8. Save and exit the file.
9. Take Apache restart and confirm from UI.