Cross Cluster

Cross Cluster

What is cross cluster and how this can applied to Production and DR monitoring scenario?

Any link to understand this in detail

Hopping this question is related to ES Cross Cluster

We have two types of Cross Cluster In ES. Please find below.


Cross cluster search – CCS

  • This will just do search query from one cluster to another over WAN (this will be light weight compared to replication).
  • HA is not available
  • Same index name can be used on different cluster, this wont merged it will be differentiated by using cluster name: index name.
  • No license required.
  • To optimize ES EPS, we are disabling replication, and enabling everyday night. This won’t create problem for Cross cluster


Cross cluster replication – CCR

  • This will have the replication of indices on  both the cluster over WAN (Not sure on network bandwidth utilization)
  • HA is available
  • Due to replication same index name will get merged.
  • License required.
  • If we disable replication not sure this work, If it won’t work we can’t disable replication to optimize ES EPS.

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