DNS Resolution Failing - Solution Document

DNS Resolution Failing - Solution Document

    Solution Document

       DNS Resolution Failing 


General/Customer specific



Dhirendra Patil





Release date


Product Version


            Audience: CSG/TechWarriors/PAC/Platform/Product teams

What’s the Issue? 

User reports that IP Resolution was failing for the URL because the DNS was not configured on the servers

Describe the Issue in Detail

While doing the testing for the service now integration we try to hit the service now URL from the Shipper server for the testing, but it was failing to resolve the URL to IP. 

DNS resolution was failing due to no DNS address being present in /etc/resolv.conf. 

Solution Summary

         Check If DNS IP is configured   

Solution Steps in Detail

There could be multiple reasons why the DNS resolution is failing.

    DNS server is not reachable from the server.
    Port 53 is not open on the firewall.
    No Client DNS IP is configured in /etc/resolv.conf.
    resolvconf package is not installed on the server.
    systemd-resolved.service can be down.
    DNS bind serrvice can be down.

We should do the following checks:

  1. Check If any DNS IP is configured on the server.

    # systemd-resolve status
    # cat /etc/resolv.conf
  2.      If DNS IP is present, then try to telnet the IP and check the reachability.

vunet@shipper1:~$ telnet 53


Connected to

Escape character is '^]'.


telnet> q

Connection closed.

         Check if systemd-resolve service is running. If not running restart the service

# sudo systemctl status systemd-resolved.service

To Restart 

# sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved.service

  1. If DNS IP is not present, we need to configure the DNS IP

  2.      Check if the resolvconf package is presnt. If not install the package.
  3.      # apt list --installed | grep "resolvconf"
  4.      Steps to Install the resolvconf package on the server using command or package 
  5.      Using the command
  6.       # sudo apt -y install resolvconf
  7.       Using the Debian package.
  8.       download the package using the                URL http://ports.ubuntu.com/pool/universe/r/resolvconf/resolvconf_1.79ubuntu10.18.04.3_all.deb and put the package in the server (check for the package as per the OS version 

  9. Run the below command to install the package
  10.        # sudo dpkg -i /absolute/path/to/deb/file
  11.        # sudo apt-get install -f
  12.        Edit the file /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head and add the below the entry and save the file.
  13.        nameserver <ip_of_nameserver>
  14.        Run the below command for reloading the configuration.
  15.        #sudo resolvconf -u
  16.        Check if the DNS is working properly or not 

# systemd-resolve <URL>

Corrective actions if any to avoid in future

  1. No

         More Help

            Check for the network level logs for additional         information.


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