Automatic health check report-mail setting

Automatic health check report-mail setting

Solution Document

Healthcheck Report Mail Settings


General/Customer specific



Mantika Jadhav





Release date


Product Version


Steps to be followed to send a health check report via mail

  1. Install healthcheck-package, please refer below link.

  1. Configure healthcheck script,send email script.

  1. Write CronTab 

crontab -e 

00 09,18 *** /home/vunet/scripts/es-scripts/send_healthcheck_email

This setting will send the report daily at 9am and 6pm to configured email ids.

Check crontab 

crontab -l          (small L)

  1. Run manually email script.

cd scripts/es-scripts


  1. Check mail Inbox.

  1. If not received, restart “daq” and check /var/log/vusmartmaps logs.
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