How To Dynamically Move Nested Key Value To Root Level?

How To Dynamically Move Nested Key Value To Root Level?

My logstash data output is

“host” => “”,
“@timestamp” => 2021-06-25T21:00:00.000Z,
“@version” => “1”,
“fields” => {
“data1” => “mydata1”,
“data2” => “mydata2”,
“data3” => “mydata3”

I wanna move all fields within “fields” to root level. This is possible by defining “add_field” and move all nested fields from “fields” but field names are dynamic for example “data4” may be added and some other fields may be removed. How to do it dynamically?

ANSTry the below code block in the logstash filter

ruby {
code => ‘
event.get(“fields”).each { |k, v|
event.set(k,v) }


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