Unable to delete archive index when we are facing space issue in archive partition 399

Unable to delete archive index when we are facing space issue in archive partition 399

   Solution Document

  Unable to delete archive index when we are facing space issue in archive partition


General/Customer specific








Release date


Product Version


           Audience:CSG/TechWarriors/PAC/Platform/Product teams

   What’s the Issue? 

     Unable to delete archive index when we are facing space issue in archive partition

   Describe the Issue in Detail

   * At TSL percentage usage of /data and /vunetindex or /archive partition more            than the 80%.
   * /vunetindex usage percentage  reached 89%, the issue here is because of large amount of syslog data, 20 days of archive index was deleted, as we know from customer that they don't need syslog data more than 15 days.
    * Retention setting for syslog data was, active data for 30 days and archive data for 31 days=(20 days last week deleted + 11 days we kept in archival) , we don't need these many days data for syslog so data retention setting for syslog data is changed to active data for 15 days and archive data for 30 days.

           *Once we applied this new data retention setting 15 days of active data now /data partition usage              percentage reduced but /archive partition usage percentage is 100% because 11 days of data we                kept previously and from last week to today 6 days of archive data added and as per new data                    retention archive data for 30 days so in archive we have total 11days + 6 days + 15 days=32 days                of data.

  We tried to delete archive index from UI but it is giving error  already one data retention running because of that it is not able to perform any other operation.

     Solution Summary


                     * While deleting archive index from UI we captured below logs, from that we can understand the                             issue is with already one retention running.
                     * vulog

*Then another way to resolve this is we must stop running snapshot.                                                  If Storage is full we can't delete archive   will get below error.

vunet@TSL-DC-VU-ANL-01:~$ curl -X DELETE "localhost:9200/_snapshot/vunet-repo/vunet-1-1-syslog-2022.01.01?pretty"


 "error" : {

   "root_cause" : [


       "type" : "repository_exception",

       "reason" : "[vunet-repo] failed to delete snapshot [vunet-1-1-syslog-2022.01.01/g2sRrnq6SI2LGS_B-qQOFA]"



   "type" : "repository_exception",

   "reason" : "[vunet-repo] failed to delete snapshot [vunet-1-1-syslog-2022.01.01/g2sRrnq6SI2LGS_B-qQOFA]",

   "caused_by" : {

     "type" : "i_o_exception",

     "reason" : "No space left on device"



 "status" : 500


So check if any file can be deleted there, there were two jpg file there which i have deleted.

      Corrective actions if any to avoid in future

  1. No

           More Help

              Please review /var/log/VuSmartmaps/vusoft_logging.<issue reported time >  for     more details.


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