Solution Summary
- We have used below query to fetch the data using nested feilds.
curl -XGET -H 'Content-Type:application/json' 'http://{eshost}:9200/indexname/_search?pretty'
-d '{"query":{"range":{"event.api_message_metadata.request_datetime":{"gte":"now-1h","lte":"now"}}}}'
- As kafka input and output are placed in same logstash instance, data is getting looped. Hence we maintained seperate logstash for input and output of kafka post which we are able to see proper document count.
Solution Steps in Detail
Note -
- We have used below query to fetch the data using nested feilds.
curl -XGET -H 'Content-Type:application/json' 'http://{eshost}:9200/indexname/_search?pretty'
-d '{"query":{"range":{"event.api_message_metadata.request_datetime":{"gte":"now-1h","lte":"now"}}}}'
- As kafka input and output are placed in same logstash instance, data is getting looped. Hence we maintained seperate logstash for input and output of kafka post which we are able to see proper document count.