Event Duration field is not showing 331

Event Duration field is not showing 331

   Solution Document

       Event Duration field is not showing


General/Customer specific



Thirupathi Rao Vardhineni





Release date


Product Version


         Audience: CSG/TechWarriors/PAC/Platform/Product teams

What’s the Issue? 

Event Duration field is not showing in Customer Engagement Dashboard

Describe the Issue in Detail

In our Vusmartmaps portal,  event_duration field is not showing in Customer Engagement dashboard

Solution Summary

  1. Checked the logs, we found logs having required login and logout information.
  2. Found a field elapsed_time , which is capturing session duration
  3. Have made the changes in all the visualizations having event_duration to elapsed_time and which resolved the issue.

Solution Steps in Detail

Steps followed to check event_duration field is not showing in Customer Engagement dashboard.

1. Checked the logs, we found th below logs having processed and session for login log and recieved and logout for logout log:

2022-07-04 19:04:55,737 - 72082 - Profiling - DEBUG - Processed request Method POST URI /api/saved_objects/bulk_get in 0:00:00.023273 User BAN317699 from for session dtj2rvwa1nfsagmcyxeh194j1phzbhuc

2022-07-04 19:05:12,775 - 115104 - Profiling - DEBUG - Received request Method POST URI /api/default/session/logout/ User BAN317699 from for session dtj2rvwa1nfsagmcyxeh194j1phzbhuc

2. Checked the input and filer and output files.

3. Checked the elapsed plug-in in 117 filter file, which is fine.

Elapsed plugin capturing session start and end as shown below, which is fine

4.In Vusmartmaps portal, under Manage Resources, selected the index and searched 

if event_duration field available, didn’t find the field.

  5. Found a field elapsed_time , which is capturing session duration.

  6. Changed the field from event_duration to elapsed_time and saved.

  7. Refreshed the page and opened the dashboard , which showed the       required event duration time under elapsed _time field.

  8. Have logged in and logged out and verified the session time showing is correct or not, which showed the correct time duration of session.

  9. Have made the changes in all the visualizations having event_duration to elapsed_time.

  10.We have removed bucketing with obj_id , which is not there in the document, due to which visualization was not shown.

     After making abover changes , we could the visualization coming up with the proper values of session.

Corrective actions if any to avoid in future

  1. No

          More Help

           Please review /var/log/VuSmartmaps/vusoft_logging.<issue reported time >  for more details.
