Solution Summary
- Increased the “closeTimeout” and “dead Time”
- Restarted the agent
- Able to see the data in the UI continously.
Solution Steps in Detail
Note -
1. The Log file is not updating periodically.
2. Due to less logs , the log file is updating for every 5-6 hrs.
3. So , changed the closeTimeout from 15 min to 24 hrs and dead Time from 10 min to 2 hrs
4. For agent level logs – vulogagent/etc/init.d/vulogagent
changed “SINCE_DB_FILE -quiet” to “SINCE_DB_FILE -debug”
Increased the logfile size and log file number ::::
VU_LOG_FILE_PATH -logfilesize 10MB -logfilenumber 10
5. Restarted the Agent and then data collection is happeing properly.