Solution Document
Upgrading Java Agent from 2.1 to 3.0
General/Customer specific
Audience: CSG/TechWarriors/PAC/Platform/Product teams
What’s the Issue?
Tomcat no data issue.
Describe the Issue in Detail
Facing issue with javaagent in Bank of Bhutan.
Data stops, We have set cron job to restart it every 2 hours.
Solution Summary
- Agent is upgraded from 2.1 to 3.0
- Removed some servers from congif file which had connectivity issue.
Solution Steps in Detail
- Java agent is upgraded by removing one of the jar file and restarting javaagent.
- Observed there was a connectivity issue for 2 of the tomcat servers.
- Removed 2 servers from config file from the path /etc/logstash/conf.d folder and then data started coming for remaining tomcat servers.
Corrective actions if any to avoid in future
- No
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