SOP- VuSmartMaps not loading

SOP- VuSmartMaps not loading

Standard Operating Procedure for L1 Support Team for vuSmartMaps not loading issue.

If User reports that vuSmartMaps is not getting loaded or internal server 404 error, then most likely web service (apache2) is not running. 

Login to shipper and check below

Step1 :

  1. $sudo service apache2 status or $sudo systemctl status apache2 or $/etc/init.d/apache2 status
  2. If process is stopped or exited or inactive state, then
  3. Start Apache2 by giving command 
  4. $Sudo service apache2 start or $sudo systemctl start apache2 or $/etc/init.d/apache2 start

This will start apache2, Again check status to confirm if apache2 is running 

  1. $sudo service apache2 status to confirm the service is active and in running state

          Step2 :  

  1. $sudo service kibana status or $sudo kibana status apache2 or $/etc/init.d/kibana status
  2. If process is stopped or exited or inactive state, then
  3. Start kibana by giving command 
  4. $Sudo service kibana start or $sudo systemctl start kibana or $/etc/init.d/kibana start

This will start kibana, Again check status to confirm if kibana is running 

  1. $sudo service apache2 status to confirm the service is active and in running state

There could be multiple reasons if vuSmartMaps is not loading or throwing internal server errors on the login page or immediately after logging in.

  1. Firewall rule enabled to access vuSmartMaps URL (IP address + Port 443) has been disabled or timed out
  2. Web Server (Apache) in our main shipper is down or throwing errors.
  3. Kibana service is down.
  4. ES is not reachable or down.
  5. Redis service is down or queue has build up to take all redis memory
  6. mysql service is down or not accepting connections
  7. /var/log or /tmp disk partitions are full
  8. <add-more-here>

We should do following checks:

  1. If vuSmartMaps UI is not loading, from a client machine, do a telnet to vuSmartMaps URL for port 443. If it’s accepting connection, it means vuSmartMaps is reachable and access to Shipper VM is not an issue.
  2. Login into main shipper using ‘ssh’
  3. Check Apache service using following command:
  1. sudo service apache2 status
  2. if apache2 service is not running, start the service using following command:
  1. sudo service apache2 start
  1. Check kibana service using following command:
  1. sudo service kibana status
  2. if apache2 service is not running, start the service using following command:
  1. sudo service kibana start
  1. Check connectivity to ES in the analyser on port 9200 using curl command:
  2. Check redis service using following command
  1. sudo service redis_6379 status
  2. if apache2 service is not running, start the service using following command:
  1. sudo service redis_6379 start
  1. Check mysql service using following command
  1. sudo service mysql status
  2. if apache2 service is not running, start the service using following command:
  1. sudo service mysql start
  1. Execute ‘df -h’ or ‘df -k’ and check if any disk partition is full (100%)


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