Issue : Unable to download the report for data table & All Visual expect BMV , BMV will be downloadable, but data is not showing .
NOTE : All the changes we have made in non-sudo user centos setup. Others can follow the same steps as per their setup requirements.
Step 1 : Login to Kibana running Shipper. Step 2 : Locate report/index.js
Step 2 : you will see the below mentioned paths .Go to the below mentioned Paths .
Workspace/ kibana/src/core_plugins/kibana/server/routes/api/report Note : path will vary, according to the Client .
Step 3: Open the Files Index.js using vim command.
vi Index.js
Step 4 : Making the changes in all the files where index.js is there .
Step 5: Change the ip to the server Ip from loop back .Give the port according to your situation. Example : in our scenario port is 10443.
From :
To :
Here is the main shipper IP.
Steps 6 : Refer to the Snap Shots for Better Understanding .
Step 7 : Go to below mentioned path .
/home/appmonl2/workspace/cairo/mickey/vusoft/ Note : Path will be depand on the client .
Step 8: Open the file using vi
Step9 : refer to the snap .
Step 10 : Search for Rejecting using below command
Step 11 : Make the Changes As per the snaps we have added one more if condition as
or request.META[‘REMOTE_ADDS’] == “”
request.META[‘SERVER_NAME’] == “” :
added above 2 lines , Check the snaps for better Understanding.
Note : Here , is the Shipper IP.
Step 12 : Before making the changes
Step 13 : After Making the changes .
Step 14 : Restart Kibana , Apache2, and DAQ .
Vuservice httpd stop/start
Vuservice kibana stop/start
Step 15 : Now , login check . It will work.