Installation as non sudo user:
Can we please make this as the default mode of installation in our product? All customers have the same ask i.e they want our product to install as an application user and not a sudo user.
Below are the steps (also attached the same)
Download sample files for reference.
1)Entries to be added in sudoers file
sudo visudo :
Cmnd_Alias HEARTBEAT = /bin/systemctl * heartbeat, /usr/sbin/service heartbeat *
Cmnd_Alias LOGSTASH = /bin/systemctl * logstash, /usr/sbin/service logstash *
Cmnd_Alias APACHE = /bin/systemctl * apache2, /usr/sbin/service apache2 *
Cmnd_Alias VIENNA = /bin/systemctl * kibana, /usr/sbin/service kibana *
Cmnd_Alias SSH_SERVICE = /bin/systemctl * ssh, /usr/sbin/service ssh *
Cmnd_Alias ES_SERVICE = /bin/systemctl * elasticsearch, /usr/sbin/service elasticsearch *
Cmnd_Alias REDIS_SERVICE = /bin/systemctl * redis_6379, /usr/sbin/service redis_6379 *
Cmnd_Alias CHOWN_VIENNA= /bin/chown kibana\:vunet -R /opt/kibana/src/ui/vienna_images/
Cmnd_Alias MKDIR_VIENNA= /bin/mkdir -p /opt/kibana/src/ui/vienna_images/1/1/<<<<<<<
#Remove sudo vunet ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL Add below line:
sudo chown vunet:vunet -R /etc/heartbeat
sudo chown vunet:vunet -R /usr/share/heartbeat/
sudo chown vunet:vunet -R /etc/logstash
sudo chown vunet:vunet -R /usr/share/logstash
sudo chown kibana:vunet -R /opt/kibana/src/ui/vienna_images/
sudo chown vunet:vunet -R /etc/logstash/tables/3)
modify the init file of logstash to run as vunet user (see the attached logstash-init-file)
modify the heartbeat init file to run as vunet user (see the attached heartbeat init-file)4)
Following modifications in /etc/group file:www-data:x:33:vunet,logstash,kibana
elasticsearch:x:118:vunet5) cairo changes for
#remove ‘sudo’ from rsync command
cmd_str += ‘sudo rsync –include=”0*.conf” –include=”*.yml”‘ to
cmd_str += ‘sudo rsync –include=”0*.conf” –include=”*.yml”‘
‘–rsync-path=”sudo rsync” –chmod=F665 ‘ to ‘–rsync-path=”rsync” –chmod=F665 ‘ + \
6)Cairo Changes for data_config_mapping.yml (refer the attached data_config_mapping.yml)
change the “target-action:” value as per below
source-type: “File”
# Before taking an action if any action is to be taken
pre-action-function: “map.daq.data_source_config.data_source_config.pre_process”
dosync: True
# Folder within base location of master copy corresponding to the
# file type
source-folder: “logstash-shipper/”
description: “Logstash configuration in Shipper”
# List of machines to send data to
target: [“shipper-1”]
# Location within target machines
target-location: “/etc/logstash/conf.d/”
# Operation for which not to take any action
skip-post-action: [“DELETE”]
# Action scripts to be executed in target machine after data copy
target-action: [‘cat /var/run/ | xargs -I {} kill -9 {} ; sudo service logstash restart’]
# Function to execute after action has been finished
post-action-function: “map.daq.data_source_config.data_source_config.post_process”
# Any script to be executed after the action
post-action-script: []heartbeat:
source-type: “File”
# Before taking an action if any action is to be taken
pre-action-function: “map.daq.data_source_config.data_source_config.pre_process”
dosync: True
# Folder within base location of master copy corresponding to the
# file type
source-folder: “heartbeat/”
description: “Heartbeat configuration”
# List of machines to send data to
target: [“shipper-1”]
# Location within target machines
target-location: “/etc/heartbeat/”
# Action scripts to be executed in target machine after data copy
#target-action: [‘sudo service heartbeat restart’]
#target-action: [‘cat /var/run/| xargs -I {} kill -9 {} ; sudo service heartbeat restart’]
#target-action: [‘ps -aef |grep “/bin/heartbeat -c” | grep -v grep | awk ‘{print $2}’| xargs -I{} kill -9 {} ; sudo service heartbeat restart’]
target-action: [ “/bin/ps -aef |grep /usr/share/heartbeat/bin/heartbeat | grep -v grep | awk ‘{print $2}’ | xargs -I {} kill -9 {} ; sudo service heartbeat restart” ]
# Function to execute after action has been finished
post-action-function: “map.daq.data_source_config.data_source_config.post_process”
# Any script to be executed after the action
post-action-script: []images:
source-type: “File”
# Before taking an action if any action is to be taken
pre-action-function: “”
dosync: True
make-tenant-bu-aware-sync: True
# Indicates that files which are deleted in the source
# are to be delete from the destination too
sync-deleted: True
# This uses a different base location than the globally defined one
base-location: “/opt/”
# Folder within base location of master copy corresponding to the
# file type
source-folder: “images/”
description: “Image management configuration”
# List of machines to send data to
target: [“shipper-1”]
# Location within target machines
target-location: “/opt/kibana/src/ui/vienna_images/”
# Action scripts to be executed in target machine after data copy
target-action: [‘sudo chown -R kibana:vunet /opt/kibana/src/ui/vienna_images/’ ]
#target-action: [‘chown -R kibana:kibana /opt/kibana/src/ui/vienna_images/’ ]
# Function to execute after action has been finished
post-action-function: “”
# Any script to be executed after the action
post-action-script: []
source-type: “File”
# Before taking an action if any action is to be taken
pre-action-function: “map.daq.data_source_config.data_source_config.pre_process”
dosync: True
# Folder within base location of master copy corresponding to the
# file type
source-folder: “data-enrichment/”
description: “Logstash Data Enrichment Files”
# List of machines to send data to
target: [“analyser-1”]
# Location within target machines
target-location: “/etc/logstash/tables/”
# Action scripts to be executed in target machine after data copy
target-action: []
# Function to execute after action has been finished
post-action-function: “map.daq.data_source_config.data_source_config.post_process”
# Any script to be executed after the action
post-action-script: []