Why do I see Internal Service Error (HTTP Response 500) after login?

Why do I see Internal Service Error (HTTP Response 500) after login?

There are two reasons because of which 500 Error can be seen.

  1. UI rendering service (kibana) is not running.
  2. Elasticsearch service is not running


1. UI Rendering Service Errors

This can be checked using
(vunetenv) vunet@ vunet-Pro:~$ sudo service kibana status
kibana.service – Kibana

Active: inactive (dead)

The service can be started using
sudo service kibana start

The service is configured using the configuration file at /opt/kibana/config/kibana.yml


Common reasons why the service is not running are:

  • Service was stopped manually
  • Service did not start after a system reboot
  • Permission issues. The service should be running as a user ‘kibana. The configuration file should have permissions so that ‘kibana’ user can read the configuration file.


If there are permission issues, a service start command will not be able to start the service. After verifying the permissions, if service is still not able to start, you can try starting the service from a terminal.
(vunetenv) vunet@ vunet-Pro:~$ sudo su -l kibana
(vunetenv) vunet@ vunet-Pro:~$ /opt/kibana/bin/kibana  

This will show up errors, if any, that could be analyzed to correct problems.

The configuration file, /opt/kibana/config/kibana.yml, contains the IP address and port number of elasticsearch. Ensure that these settings are correct.

The kibana service logs into /var/log/kibana. Check this log file for errors, if the above steps did not help in resolving the problem.


2. Elasticsearch service not running

The elasticsearch service runs on analyzer. The status of the service can be checked using:
sudo service elasticsearch status

Elasticsearch is controlled using configuration file at /etc/elasticsearch.yml

Since debugging elasticsearch problems is quite involved, the details will be covered in a separate section.

The first place to look at when there are problems is to look at elasticsearch logs located at /var/log/elasticsearch/vunet-cluster.log on analyzer.

You can also check whether elasticsearch is responding to requests using
curl <analyzer-ip>:9200/_cat/indices


Node Addresses not configured correctly

There are 2 places where node addresses are to be configured

  • In the product, in Preferences, configure IP address of shipper and Analyzer
  • In /opt/kibana/config/kibana.yml, configure IP address of Analyzer


Elasticsearch access from Shipper

The components running on shipper need access to port 9200 in analyzer to access elasticsearch service. You can use telnet to check whether this access is there on shipper.
Telnet <analyzer-ip> 9200

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